Monday 10 August 2015

Working 8 til almost 5

Well yesterday went okay. Back at work, and back in the office for the first time in a month, and it was alright. Work is great, don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my job, but it turns out leaving your wife and son in order to go to work is a rubbish idea.

When I left the house yesterday I felt like I was going to cry. :( It passed thankfully, but it didn't stop me spending most of the day wondering how my intrepid explorers might get on. Turns out they were fine, just missed me lots, so I guess that's a reasonable outcome. It's hard being loved! 😍

The Triffids are in season
My little adventure friend

On Sunday, whilst Sarah slept, I ventured out on my own into the garden with just Leo and my camera to entertain myself. It was great spending some smushed time with the little man, and he was busy looking around at everything going on until immense tiredness overcame him and he fell asleep for an hour or so in the carrier.

The photos went on Facebook so I could tag the in laws on there as they are the masters of the garden.  Here they are if you fancy a look. I was pretty happy with the outcome of most of them, and it is hopefully the start of a lot more good photos of our little family life.

And here's one for people who don't follow the link!

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