Tuesday 4 August 2015

The 'when to wake and feed' conundrum

One thing you get constantly told is to wake newborns every 2hours to feed and categorically don't let them go longer than 4. I have been going with the 2 hours in the day and 3 ish at night, but feel he can go longer and waking a sleeping baby takes more guts than a bungy jump imo!

We have a breastfeeding clinic on Thursday so will ask then, but there doesn't appear to be a hard and fast rule. I just don't want to end up with a dehydrated baby, but at the same time, I want him to get into the habit of sleeping as much as possible.

I dutifully set my alarm for 3.5 hrs this time and woke to super peaceful baby. I did my usual 'IS HE BREATHING' leap out of bed and stare then touch as that's not good enough and then decided to wait a while.

I got up and fidgeted around for a while in the bathroom and I could hear him starting to mess so I sat on the bed and waited on more feeding queues. He went to 3hr 50 mins and we making noises, chewing hand and squirming, so I am going to start going by his lead I reckon. He is a good weight, is gaining, although not fully restored yet and my milk is in.. So in theory, not an issue!

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