Thursday 6 August 2015

Catching Up

Being a super dad can be pretty exhausting but as long as Sarah carries on recovering, staying sane and being a happy super mum then all is well.

Yesterday whilst the family were at boob sucking class, I went shopping and bought biscuits. Then I came home and read the news. This might not sound like a lot but in two weeks I haven't read any tech or sports news, so it was like a guilty pleasure just sitting and catching up on things I really like.

Leo and Sarah continue to amaze me. He's such a cutie, and progresses every day with movement and alertness, seeming to recognise the patterns of the day and being mostly cooperative. Sarah is continually trying to improve the whole experience for all of us, getting Leo to feed better or more consistently, helping me out and generally being the person I fell in love with 4 years ago.

I've started a project backing up all our photos onto Flickr whilst I've been off, and scrolling through the camera roll that it creates has been really interesting, showing off a load of moments that I'd forgotten about. It's amazing what you can get up to in 4 years, so who knows what will happen in the rest of our time. Personally, I cannot wait to find out.

Ever since Sarah arrived in my life, we've been basically one person.We do everything together, be it painting tin cans for our wedding, watching downhill mountain biking on the side of Ben Nevis or drinking nine pints of beer and not being able to walk. Since Leo (the Lion / Frog / Squirrel, depending on what he's up to) came along, suddenly we've had to be slightly independent, with me cooking meals whilst Sarah feeds Leo for example. It's been a fairly major change in our life and thankfully Sarah tearily brought it up pretty quickly as a problem that needed solving. It's going to be something to watch out for but we're aware and on top of it.

Work starts again on Monday, and it has gone crazily fast these past two weeks. I can't say I'm looking forward to going back, but at least I have a job that I really enjoy and that challenges me, so the days away from my gorgeous little family will at least go quickly and I can get back to them ASAP.

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