Wednesday 26 August 2015

Leo the social butterfly

New walking route with our buddy
Hanging in the hammock
Group selfie for daddy
Getting smart for his bitches

It turns out little Leo Burgin is only happy when he is doing stuff. Lunching is one of his favourite past times but sitting around doing nothing definitely isn't!

We have now swapped cars with dad, his is just that little bit bigger it allows me to fit more than just the buggy in the boot and the passenger isn't crammed against the dashboard. We took Sammy out to a different walking place on Tuesday which was refreshing and means we can start to build up the distance too, we are going out with Emily and her new dog tomorrow /later today.  Unfortunately, Sammy is a total whinging pain in the car but Leo seemed unbothered by it yesterday; let's hope that applies to further afield destinations.

We met up with a couple of the NCT girls today and went for a walk in tatton followed by lunch at pizza express. I then went to Wilmslow and met another one of my friends. Leo slept most of the time and only woke for feeds (usually just as I got food!)

Sleep seems to have settled down a bit again. He had a 6.5hr stint last night and we have just managed 5.5 now. Fingers crossed he continues in this manner. Hopefully his tummy is that little bit bigger that he manages to fill himself up a little bit more at each feed, which buys a bit more time!

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