Sunday 9 August 2015

New treats

We went out and purchased a new car seat today, as you can see; Leo loves it!

We had one that was part of a travel system that we had kindly been donated by Tom's brother and sister in law, but we wanted to buy a new all terrain pushchair with a lie flat option, so no longer needed the travel system.

Travel systems are great, but you are only supposed to have them in the car seat for 2 hours at a time, so in my mind, at that point they aren't really worth the effort. You have to carry the bassinet part of it in the boot most of the time anyway so having the ability to clip in and out then doesn't really mean anything. Yes, if they fall asleep on the way back home you can carry them into the house, but their time in the chair is still limited.

So we decided to bite the bullet and buy a really good, static car seat.  One that is really highly rated and he can use for quite a few years, so an investment. We opted for the  Cybex Sirona, whilst it being pretty pricey, it is also top of its class for safety so worth it for that alone.

We have ordered the  Out n About nipper pushchair  which will arrive today and should make smooth riding a bit easier!

Next step, to change car as ours is too small! It's amazing how much kit one tiny new addition can bring! Tom is on a research mission and a half at the minute, looking like a second hand Skoda Octavia estate is on the cards, just got to find out how to get rid of mine as it still has finance on it.

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