Tuesday 12 April 2016


One thing I love to do, is streamline pretty much any process I possibly can. This is what makes me good at my job and it is something that I am naturally good at and enjoy!

The obvious one to attack is my morning routine with little man and getting to work. I want to maximise his sleep time, minimise any stress and enjoy that time with him as well as getting food of some sort into him before he goes to nursery. I also need to get him in the car before he is tired. The process has to start from the previous day.

Things like washing, meal prep, bag packing and car packing can all be done the evening before. I want as little as possible to impact on my post 3.30pm pick up time with Leo but I also want a bit of wind down time with Tom once Leo is in bed.. Balancing act!

I will put clothes/nappy washes on when I get home. I am going to stop washing nappies everyday as I want to wash them separately from our clothes, this will allow me to do a better wash job of them and also take up less days hanging stuff out! I need more nappies!

I am in the process of thinking up some easy week night meals, we will just do a rotation to keep it simple and then push the boat out at weekends. At least if Leo is eating in nursery in the day, I don't have to worry about that too. I need to have a lunch I can easily eat whilst walking back from the gym, as I plan on going most lunch times when back at work. I also need a breakfast I can eat whilst doing in a morning, so a healthy, nutrition packed muffin would be good and then have a yoghurt smoothie mid morning with my chia and Flax in it and I can just consume this at my desk.

My hair, makeup and getting dressed doesn't take long, I just need to have it out and ready! It's the food prep that is going to take some time to plan, but my main aim is to not have any stress. I want to have enough time to enjoy Leo as well as enough time to avoid tantrums and resistance as he gets older!

Something to work on

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