Wednesday 6 April 2016

Never ending; seriously!

So, after Leo seemed to be on the mend yesterday after sleeping loads through the day, he was so much more worse again last night. He developed a really raw sounding cough late on in the day and then this just irritated him through the night. We were back to sitting up with him slightly elevated so the catarrh didn't settle on his lungs.

Off to the docs this morning but he has no infection, no sore throat; basically just another cold. The doctor recommended not worrying about solid food and just get as much breastmilk into him as possible. It's frustrating as I just feel like all my thoughts on breastfeeding being best and not giving him refined sugar, processed food and cooking all organic and from scratch are basically being thrown back in my face. I know so many babies that are on formula and haven't been as ill as Leo recently. I did raise my loss of belief in magic breastmilk to the doctor, he just laughed a bit!

I will keep it up, I'm going to struggle of be as passionately convincing in a discussion regarding breastfeeding v formula and healthy food over convenience from now on though! I've even had to go back on my conviction of not needing to give him and multivitamin and have started on one as of a couple of days ago.

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