Thursday 23 July 2015

Every day is a new disappointment

I know that sounds dramatic, and it is a little but I genuinely go to bed with little glimmer of hope that something will happen through the night; every morning something hasn't, it gets me down.

It's a grind and a slightly stressful one at that too as every day I wonder if he is OK and hope that nothing has gone wrong or that I have missed a vital sign that something is wrong. So much can change in a day as far as baby's health is concerned and it really drives me mad.

I am willing Sunday on now tbh, I think even if I could move the induction easily, I wouldn't. Part of me feels like calling them up and ask it for it now, just so I can take away the every day wondering and waiting that is driving me around the bend. I can handle it for a couple of days and then it kind of reaches the capacity of my mental capabilities and I wake up really quite p'd off...  As I have today... 

1 comment:

  1. I'm short on words that will do any justice to the apprehension you guys are experiencing... don't be in battle with yourself and don't lose faith that your body knows EXACTLY what it's doing! This is the last Friday ever that the world will be without a Baby B. I bet even Amazon couldn't deliver quicker at this stage! You really don't have long to wait now. Much love! Xx
