Thursday 30 July 2015

Breasts, beauties and bacon butties

So, we are coming up to day 4 in the life of Master Leo Burgin and I'm pleased to say that we're doing pretty flipping well!

The downstairs stitches have been making me a little uncomfortable, mainly because I haven't been able to get comfortable to feed. I found I wonderful solution to this yesterday... We now have a toilet feeding station. Doesn't sound too hygienic I know, but it's not like I feed him directly off the porcelain!  Another upside is that I have a million shelves around me to put everything in easy reach.

Leo is also feeding like a trooper. My milk came in yesterday and he is showing a true pattern now. He likes to have a cluster session of feeding in the evening and then he is pretty consistent at every 4 hours for the rest of the time in the day, early hours of morning do tend to be something of a binge too though!

Last night was a little more restless and I decided I had had enough of the moses basket. The matress is new, but offers so little support, even for a tiny baby, that he always seems unhappy when you move him into it. It's not because he is moving from you; you can place him on firmer, colder surfaces and he settles, so was clear to me what the issue was.  Slight gamble.

(I wish this app time stamped as I wrote, this has been written across multiple feeds from midnight to now 3.30am)

I had a very quick research and I liked the look of the Snuzpod crib so, we braved our first car outing to Babies R Us and got one. It looks great and the matress is so much more supportive. When moving him on, he doesn't flinch and I can see his little face to check he is OK with very little effort when I'm in bed.

The car journey was an amazing success and it basically sedated little man and he sparked out once home. Another good trick to have.

So, useful tips I have come up with or been given over the last 4 days

- to minimise babies shrieks of violation when changing a nappy, have a comforter toy at hand to brush across his lips and face. Source: Tom and I doing the world's worst job of undressing Leo,  discovered when neck of t-shirt got stuck on his mouth

- sit on open toilet to ease stitch pain whilst feeding. Source: fluke

- wipe nipple with cold water after feeding, before applying lanolin so that the milk doesn't burn sensitive skin.  Source: mum
- beware the moment your baby first looks deep into your eyes as you will literally brake down in floods of tears in two seconds.  Source: Leo broke his mummy's bad ass no cry policy on day two.

- buy reusable nipple pads, not the cotton ones as they prickle and it's better for the environment.  Source: I used reusable wipes on baby and just tried what they feel like on nipple. No more annoying scratchy feeling

- be positive when first latching baby on, he won't break. Source: amazing midwife at Wythenshawe hospital

- tickle behind their jaw if nod off whilst feeding.  Source: amazing midwife at Wythenshawe hospital


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