Monday 22 August 2016

He's got it tough right now

We had injections on Thursday which are always unpleasant, but we have been lucky with all his others and had no reactions. This set were totally different and his little leg blew up like a balloon and was really red and hot.

All last night he didn't know what to do with himself and had to sleep on Tom or myself to not cough or be unhappy. Plenty of painkillers and cold flannels got him through and he is absolutely fine when he's awake.

We had a fantastic day at Just So festival today though. It's was chucking it down and Tom had to work unfortunately, but for once, we managed to get to do something and it was great.

Bedtime, not so great. Lots of being upset, uncomfortable and generally an unhappy little man. I finally decided it was his teeth as he kept putting his finger in his mouth, so I used some teething gel and he went straight to sleep... Until he started coughing again, really quite fiercely and I had to give him some milk in the end to relieve it.

It's been a physical day, I've never carried him for that long before and I'm feeling it, especially with him not wanting to be put down at all, but it's been lovely. Leo lovea light, music and colour (who doesn't?) so it was perfect. We will definitely go next year and make a weekend of it.

Onwards to another tough night, but as always, a chance to steal baby cuddles

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