Thursday 22 September 2016


Leo finally had his appointment with the pediatrician on Monday. She isn't even slightly worried about him from an asthma or allergies point of view, she said he was growing far too well for anything major and the fact that his chest is always clear is a great sign.

She suspects that he has simply had a post viral cough that he has never been able to shift. She has prescribed a really low dose steroid inhaler to be taken twice and day and wants to review in 4 months. In the meantime, she has also sent a letter to the GP to authorise upping his dose if required and even prescribing a powder to reduce mucus production at night should this have no affect.

Let's hope this cracks it and we are done coughing! Problem potentially solved.

He decided to drop to one sleep a day in the last few weeks, growing up in every way. He was initially still doing the morning snooze and then refusing to sleep in the afternoon, which meant that he was absolutely shattered when I picked him up. He has now started doing a longer lunchtime snooze, which is better but he doesn't like to go to bed at 7 anymore. Problem sort of solved.

We have also been having a nightmare cleaning his teeth which I put down to tenderness. I decided to buy a baby electric toothbrush on the off chance this would improve efficiency. He loves it! There is a little light on it which he is fascinated by, and he finds the vibrations hilarious.. Problem solved.

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